Church Early Learning

Bible Studies

Page Contents

Current Studies

Sunday Study - "A 'Brief' History Of the Reformation"

Don't know much about Reformation history? Has Jere got a tale for you! The Reformation affected many aspects of Late Medieval and Early Modern life such as religion, politics, war, economics, philosophy, publishing, and the settling of the New World. Join us as we journey through the centuries, from obscure monks to princes, kings, and popes, from small Saxony towns to the great cities of Europe and beyond, from itinerant preachers to some of the greatest theologians in Church history. Join us!

Women of Grace - Gospel of Mark

All women are invited – and encouraged to bring a friend! Our study, led by Betty Eich, will be the Gospel of Mark. If Jesus preached a sermon in the town of Caesarea Philippi, or if he performed any miracles there, it has not been recorded in the Bible. All that we know is what Mark tells us Jesus asked two questions. The first is “Who do people say that I am?” And the second: “Who do you say that I am?” Jesus asks us the same questions today. In our study, we will discover how Mark found the answers to these questions and how the answers changed his life. It can change our lives too! We will be using Max Lucado’s book, “Life Lessons from Mark.”

Bethel Bible Study - NT Series

Understand the major ideas that run throughout the New Testament. Learn about Jesus Christ, his person and mission, and the books of the New Testament, and how that impacts how we understand the Bible fitting into history. 20-Week Course. Please call the church to register, 352-748-1201, so we can prepare materials for you.

Men's Bible Study - The Book of Romans

he Wednesday Men’s Bible Study meets almost every week of the year, and also includes Zoom for those unable to attend in person. The group averages 25 to 35 men from various churches who want to share their beliefs, further enhance their knowledge of scripture, and share fellowship with other Christians. The group includes men who are beginning their journey with scripture to those who have attended seminary. The group is ever changing and has met for almost 9 years. The current study of the book of Joshua will continue for the next couple of months. They sometimes enjoy a Bagel breakfast or luncheon. Attend our study as a regular member or just as a guest. You can also just show up on Wednesday!

Joy in Jesus - Philippians- In person and via Zoom

The book is about Christ in our life, Christ in our mind, Christ as our goal, Christ as our strength, and joy through suffering. It was written during Paul’s imprisonment in Rome, so he could honestly talk about finding joy, no matter the circumstances. Join us, whether at church or via Zoom!

Men's Study - Lutheran Confessions

Join the men as they discuss and learn from Luther's Large Catechism as part of their study of the Concordia Lutheran Confessions. The Large Catechism explains why we believe and practice what we do using the scriptures.

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