Church Early Learning
Calendar and Coming events... something is always happening at Amazing Grace!
Page Contents


Trivia Night!


Grief Share - "Loss of a Spouse"

Losing one’s partner has you losing half of your existence. The special person you spent every day with is now gone, leaving you with an emptiness that at times seems more than you can handle. Join us to understand your emotions and to take this walk through grief together. Call the church office to register, 352-748-1201

Annual Golf Outing

Our Annual Golf Outing will be held at Dell Webb Eagle Ridge Country Club in Summerfield, FL. Click the picture for a Registration Form with all the details! We look forward to seeing you!


Please contact the church office, 352-748-1201, and we can help you with any event in which you might be interested!

Grief Share Overview

A Grief Share support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. 


Please click below to find dates and times for Grief Share activities at  Amazing Grace. including the 13-week group and three special one-time events: “Surviving the Holidays, “Loss of a Spouse”, and “Loss of a Child.” 

Online Giving

To use Paypal or a credit card:

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